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January 8, 2014

Nose Dropsy

By Maryanna Gabriel

“Do your ears hang low
Do they wobble to and fro”
Campfire Song

The arrival of January found me in a compromising position having a one-way conversation with my dentist as one is wont to do given their propensity for stuffing metallic instruments into one’s mouth. He casually mentioned that our noses and jowls grow as we age while our chin remains static. The point he was making was lost on me as I stared at him in alarm. Contemplating this I felt very much like I needed to rush home and memorize my nose in the mirror. My goodness. Is it really growing? At what rate? Drooping appendages are part of a continuous physical erosion one tries to monitor but how does one do nose sit-ups or nose presses? Haunted by the prospect I tried to comfort myself by saying a nose by any other name would smell as sweet, besides it works doesn’t it? Gosh, so much to look forward to as one makes creakier progression through the days. I plot further adventures before any more body parts gravitate towards dropsy. I know it isn’t my dentist’s fault and not to shoot the messenger or anything, but I immediately cancelled my next appointment. So much to do so little time.