Magic Cottage Creations

Magic Cottage Creations
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April 30, 2022

A Delicate Balance

 By Maryanna Gabriel

Speaking of rabbits, we used to never have to worry about lettuce. Or spinach, chard, or beets. It was a gardener's paradise and we did not know it. Until. Until a woman who lived on Salt Spring Island moved the rabbits from the University of Victoria and brought them here because they were about to be euthanized. She thought she was doing a good thing. As these things go, it did not take long for the rabbits to become an invasive species. 

It upset the balance of nature. Suddenly owls and other birds of prey were not feeding on rodents, rather, they were selecting the tastier rabbits. Our rodent population exploded. So now we have two problems. 

In recent conversation with an expert on the subject, I was told the woman had to leave the island. I guess so. Just as the animals were rebalancing their hunting habits, so were humans. I think I better go check on the garden. 

April 27, 2022

Rabbit's Foot

 By Maryanna Gabriel

This morning, first thing, I stepped out the kitchen door and an enormous rabbit foot lay at the foot of the deck, a long and bloodied tendon trailing behind it and the area thick with white guano spread like a chalky stain on the stair and my lawn chair. The drama had been recent for the leg felt flexible and warm, when I sought to remove it. An eagle perhaps but more likely and owl. It was a big, big bird with a large pray and clearly he'd torn it asunder there. I heard nothing which isn't surprising. It was probably silent for the most part. 

A rabbit's foot. The symbology is very clear. Luck. The owl, magical creature that it is, has delivered luck, and not only that, delivered a reprieve from the lettuce which is undefended.

So luck is with me. With the rabbit, not so much. 

April 15, 2022

A + Wahoo!!!

 By Maryanna Gabriel

Wow! What a long journey. And the finale. I am so stoked. An A+ on my manuscript (beginning middle end) ..... did I ever work hard to get here. And now I am graduating with a Master's in Creative Nonfiction. Deemed "publishable" in the commentary with minor line editing. My goodness. My brains are falling out. This would be on a day when my back pain is especially hard (mowed the lawns between monsoons and worked a bit too vigorously in the garden.) Maybe now I can float my way through it all. Had to share. The manuscript has been sent out to publishers and nothing may happen but at least I have gotten this far.