Magic Cottage Creations

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July 20, 2024

Writing Workshop With Kevin Chong

Dawn on Denman Island. 

By Maryanna Gabriel 

Imagine. Daisies. Hammock. Hot tub. Roses dropping petals from overhead as though I were a bride. Rose petals strewn across the patio and tracked across the carpet. An orange cat visits for an affectionate pat. All on peaceful Denman Island. Oyster capital. And yes, I had those too. 

It was my birthday present to myself.

This time of year, Denman is a writers mecca with workshops, presentations, speakers, and readings as they hold their annual literary festival. Some teachers just hit the mark at the right time and Kevin Chong is that kind of teacher for me. He has published a few books and is even a Giller Prize Finalist which is prestigious. This is all to say he knows his stuff and I have been needing encouragement. This is the reason for attending. Synergy. Love being with writers and talking shop. Next best thing to reading. 

Early morning writing at the local cafe next to a renouned writer doing same  -  the Earth Club Factory, Denman Island.