Magic Cottage Creations

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January 19, 2013

Bulwark For My Bones

By Maryanna Gabriel
Dolphin Playing In The Bay Of Islands
The dank days of January are upon us, Canadians expand wallets for formidable heating bills, and as smoke stacks curl, may be observed from time to time making furtive forays to the resident woodpile. It is at this time where some of us may recall with longing, the warmth and sun of the south, I in particular, the lovely blue sparkling Bay Of Islands in New Zealand where dolphins leap and play. The dolphins swim with such a sense of joy it is a reminder of the true essence of life and a reminder as well of childhood, where innocence was a beam of sunlight through an open window and the sweet fresh pure air was all around and where joy was a natural state of being. I recall this all as I steal myself for house exit, a disembarkation process of steeling myself against the gray freezing air, enshrouded in bulky clothing as a bulwark for my bones.