Magic Cottage Creations

Magic Cottage Creations
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January 24, 2021

Tenuous Lure

 By Maryanna Gabriel

The rain is pouring this morning, it is rather glum, but the day dawns earlier and hope is in the air. Yesterday I wandered the property picking up branches and came across a wee mound of promise. Spring is emerging. Was that a robin I heard this morning? 

"Don't tell me that," said my daughter when I shared my find. She lives in Calgary and has a fresh fall of snow. "The twigs are glistening with the ice in the sunlight."

"I have to," I said. Not very charitable of me. Secretly I am hoping she will move west but so far the lure of snowdrops in January has been too tenuous an offering. January may be a slog but it seems change is in the air. I am expecting surprises in 2021. 

January 18, 2021

Loosened Swag Of Green

 By Maryanna Gabriel

Nothing like trying to be suave about facing New York agents with how great one's book is when a hundred kilometer per hour wind swooped in. The night before the big "pitch" I knew I needed to sleep, but it wasn't just nerves that were keeping me awake. The side of the house sounded like it was being ripped off and branches landed on the roof with such loud thunks I leapt out of bed. I made my way to the living room couch, which seemed a safer bet should a tree fall and huddled with a blanket as I listened to the screaming sound. 

Secretly, I was hoping for a power failure. No power. No internet. No New York agents. 

Well, the power held, although it was knocked out for others. The wind died down as suddenly as it came and I successfully made my pitch. It is the aftermath. The landscape is strewn with huge branches I am not sure I can tote to the fire area and I have been raking piles, for every square foot of the property is covered. The outdoor exercise is helping me land back on earth. I had one promising response, and between doing a reading from my manuscript for the school, and the residency I did with my class with New York as the focus, I am fairly flattened--at one with the loosened swags of green surrounding me. 

January 9, 2021

Getting Ready To Bloom

 By Maryanna Gabriel

In between storm fronts we have had some deceptively mild weather and the plants are confused. There are signs of spring everywhere even although it is mid January. This morning I walked along an ocean pathway where a pale pink rose nodded towards me. 

I looked closely at my garden when I came home. Geraniums and primroses are budding and this picture is of a clematis getting ready to bloom.

Like my garden, I have been all over the place. I am getting ready to talk about the book I am working on with agents this week. These are New York agents. It seems a bit scary.

I am trying to be calm. 

Every Little Bit Helps

 By Maryanna Gabriel

With the uproar south of our border I felt a need to walk the shock off. I passed some beer cans clustered around the rural post box and thought for the millionth time I should pick them up. I managed to ignore the thought and made my way around the bend, as one is wont to do. I passed a woman with a bag around her shoulder. She stooped and picked up a small piece of garbage.

"Are you picking up garbage?" I asked. She nodded.

"I do that sometimes too." My jaw hardened. I made my way back to the postbox and grabbed a rubber glove from the car and picked them up. "Y'All" logos were  wrapped around their sides. Today the proceeds went to the Foodbank. 

I have a friend in Tasmania who sent me this photo. It is a good way of feeling constructive in this world. She says she gets a lot of free coffee.

January 1, 2021

Pajama Business

By Maryanna Gabriel

Solstice brought a surprise snow storm and with it a loud crack. A tree came down on the property.  

I awoke yesterday, to the sound of a chainsaw. I was so excited, I ran out the door in my pajamas. I was determined to catch this man who was clearing across the way. He just smiled and looked as though talking to people in their pajamas was completely normal and agreed to come. By the time I was dressed, he had arrived. He cut the tree in a jiff and cheerfully helped with stacking the wood. I had a bit of money and of course, a jar of blackberry jam for him. 

A good start to the new year.