Magic Cottage Creations

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February 18, 2021

What A Saucy Fellow

 By Maryanna Gabriel

The snow is melting and spring is in the air. I know because a robin keeps trying to get into the house. He is bashing away at the windows, beating his wings and smearing them with little robin kisses. The only windows where he is doing this, is where he can see me, a little weird. I think he is in love. The video above shows you how hard he is trying. He curls one foot upward as if he is excited. 

Yesterday I was out walking and a robin followed me for a couple of hundred meters. When I returned from the beach he was still there. I thought, "This is a little odd." He then followed me back. I don't expect you to believe me but I am telling the story anyway. There is more robins than meet the eye.

I am not taking it personally. I believe he is enamoured with his reflection and wants to mate with himself. This happened once before. It went on for days. A robin robin displayed similar behaviour with my car headlights. I was worried he was going to damage the glass so I used the remote to unlock the car to frighten him off. He still did not stop. This is the power of well, what do you call robin love, anyway? A bit Hitchcock.