Magic Cottage Creations

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October 7, 2023

Not A Stick In The Mud

 By Maryanna Gabriel

Well, you certainly can't say I'm a stick in the mud. I've been up and down the coast several times, have criss-crossed British Columbia, but I am having a hard time finding a home. So many almosts and near misses that I am starting to take the hint. I think I am just going to give up and focus on what is next which is packing. A lot to do in a move. The wind is shifting when it comes to the economy and real estate anyway; waiting is not going to hurt. 

I have been on the move with my search for some time. Quite honestly? I am looking forward to the next step when I get to be still for awhile. An act of faith, really. 

On a bright note, Anita Adams, a podcaster. and life coach, recently interviewed me. Her podcast is called
"Joyful Journeys". I will post a link when it is published. She wanted to know about the Camino and I talked about my book and journey. 

Happy Thanksgiving everybody! May your turkey be merry and bright.