Magic Cottage Creations

Magic Cottage Creations
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July 7, 2024


 By Maryanna Gabriel

Every morning at first light, I swim with a beaver. A new routine. He slaps his tail and circles away while I paddle along and marvel at being on an island where bears are not an issue. 

Thank goodness for

Sheer heaven. Cheesecake Fridge


On the difficult side, in order to do this, I have to walk by a fridge on the road that is filled with cheesecake. Sound rather like a version of heaven, doesn't it? But I'm no fibber. 

Sturmfrei is a splendid German word, which means doing what one wants. As I say it, I think of the song, Born Free and think of twirling. Twirling is a word that means what it sounds (onomatopoeia, wow, that's two big words in one paragraph). It feels wonderful to be by the ocean again, and I am doing what I want as I visit old haunts.