Magic Cottage Creations

Magic Cottage Creations
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August 29, 2021


 By Maryanna Gabriel 

"Blessed be those who have loved you
Into becoming who you were meant to be" 
-John O'Donahue

I am not sure why, but I think birthday cake helps with accidents. Falling off the ladder was not that great - quite rough actually, but I am starting to feel better. As it was my birthday, I had to make the most of a compromised situation.

There have been many surprises. Some really caring responses for one. It is blowing me away. I had no idea. I also have been given a lot of chocolate which is always a good thing. There have been visits to the house too, which has totally surprised me. And little gifts. And my friend Martha sent the most beautiful birthday present. It is a handmade sewing kit accompanied by a celebratory tile. It is a celebration on account of me reaching the end of the manuscript.

A friend visited yesterday. She said the fall was a message. I think she is right. I have been writing about trauma and like the famous author, Maya Angelou, I relive the experiences when I am writing so that I can get it all down, although I am still not sure what hurling myself off a ladder is supposed to signify. No point in committing hari kari just when I am getting somewhere.

The considerations shown in so many ways are the absolute best, and the icing on the cake. 

August 22, 2021

Back Story

 By Maryanna Gabriel

I have come to the end of my book. At least I think I have. It's a wonderful feeling even although there are a million things left to do. Gosh, darned, just as I was just starting to relax, what did I go and do? I fell off a ladder and really hurt my lower back. I am so lucky I didn't break any bones. No more swimming with the beavers. 

Am wondering if there is a connection between hurting my back and mulling over my back story. Back. Back story. Back to back. Get it?

Alright, alright. Enough of this. Easy does it old girl.

I guess I forgot to spread my wings. 

August 14, 2021

Blood Red Sun

 By Maryanna Gabriel

It is feeling apocalyptic these days. The smoke from the fires to the north have covered the morning sun rising over a nearby lake on Salt Spring Island. I'm not going to lie. It hurts. 

Then there is the heat wave. Today it is cooler. Not to mention the efficacy of the vaccines lowering just as everybody is madly visiting.

I work hard on keeping things alive - stalwart garden friends of green are drooping sadly - am just keeping ahead. Feel blessed to live here compared to so many, but suddenly what was fixed seems fragile. 

Can we go back in time? Say 1976? It was all so innocent then and I was not worrying about the elephants. 

Somewhere I read a story about a man riding a train in India that was passing dead bodies. Have I already written this? I am getting a deja-vu - I digress. A fellow passenger said why are you smiling? "I am looking at the white flowers up the mountainside and thinking how beautiful they are." Meaning it is how one looks at things, I suppose. Not that I want to stick my head in the sand. Out to the road I go and pick blackberries, then down to the garden to find the last of the rhubarb and into the jam pot they be for a fine finish to left-over polenta pancakes. It is a beautiful life. 

August 10, 2021


 By Maryanna Gabriel

"Some people don't understand that sitting in your own house,
 in peace, eating snacks, and minding your own business is priceless."
- warrior_goddess_training 

Beans In My Garden

Where does everybody go in August anyways? It's so quiet. There is something so marked about my birth month, the ripening of corn, the deepening of shadows, the buzzing of insects, the smell of ripening black berries, dry grass, the cooler nights. The light changes slightly - more golden. The runner beans are madly growing in the garden and there seems to be a new zucchini every time I look. 

Have I ever spent an entire summer at home? I don't think so. Lots of adventures have been quietly tucked away in my mental archives so I am totally okay. The inflated prices, the forest fires, oh, and that weirdo pandemic thing, I can forget for a time. Not that I have actually been vacationing in my backyard. But the good news is I have come to the end of my book. It is a huge weight off. There are still about a billion more things to do on it but I am telling myself I can enjoy the moment. It's August.