Magic Cottage Creations

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July 19, 2023

Book Review!

 By Maryanna Gabriel 

"A woman washes Gabriel’s suffering feet; she asks only prayers in return.
The full spectrum of humanity, all of its greed and selflessness,
is here for observation, and observe Gabriel does."  

That robin is still living in the basket of petunias.              

Always a bit of stir getting feedback on one's writing. To get to the point of publication requires much
of it. Through the process I have been lucky enough to develop a strong sense of what goes against the grain and what might be a good recommendation. At several points I had to hold out against what  would weaken the story line; one can't be passive in this business.   
One of my favourite movies is Genius, about Max Perkins, a man who made such writers as Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and Wolfe. He is an editor who has not been given credit enough, and a rare talent. Colin Firth does such a wonderful job of capturing his spirit. 

At this point, I find myself fortunate to have received a book review! It has taken me a whole week to read it from start to finish. Just not brave enough. Finally, at the dentist's office I dove in. It was a kind analysis. Thank you to BC Book Review.