By Maryanna Gabriel
Maybe it was a totem. The snake symbol may mean healing, as in the medical symbol of the Staff of Aesculapius, or change. as in the shedding of its skin. But this snake's skin was glistening and fresh.
Suddenly, it came right for me. No, thank you. Not that I was afraid. Just not particularly wanting to be slithered upon. Go slither somewhere else. I held my Birkenstock up as a shield, and fortunately the movement worked. The snake veered into the bushes behind me. Not that it would bite. At the same time, one doesn't necessarily want to be charged by a snake during one's r 'n r.
Once home, I looked the up symbolism. It means taking the negative (as in venomous bites) and transmuting the poison into a positive. Well, that fits. It is what I have done. Done on the Camino. Done in the book. Done in my life. So I guess snake is my totem animal. Don't mess with me.