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May 24, 2024

Nelson: Queen City With Style

A mansion of Nelson. 
 By Maryanna Gabriel

Many people I talk to do not know where the the Kootenies are, nor is the location of the city of Nelson well understood. This is a fascinating city in southeastern British Columbia. Many buildings have been preserved, and are older than a 100 years. Much is just as it was. Over 350 buildings have been designated as heritage and are protected, including many mansions.

A protected heritage.
Colourful atmosphere.

There is a feeling of prosperity
here which is surprising (given the stresses in the Canadian economy) revealed by a generous infrastructure, many shops, and numerous restaurants. Nelson has an atmosphere like no other and may be described as both colourful and cosmopolitan. Essentially, I am enjoying getting to know this place which was dubbed the Queen City for good reason.

How it all began is an interesting story. 

In 1896, Winslow and Osner Hall lived in Fort Colville, a Hudson's Bay fort that was closing. The brothers decided the solution to their dileman was to discover a mine. They travelled northward and crossed into Canada with a party of about 13 men and horses which bore their supplies. It was a difficult traverse up the Columbia River in country not yet mapped. After several weeks, they found themselves on an unnamed creek, on an unnamed mountain, and running out of food in the cold of October. With snow starting to fall, they decided they would have to turn back. They had just enough food to return.

However, the horses had bolted...