Magic Cottage Creations

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May 28, 2024

One Day The Nelson Streetcar...

 By Maryanna Gabriel

I have lived long enough to tell this exciting tale. I like to walk by the lake in Nelson.

There are ducks with goslings, and grassy parks where tournaments are held. No hotdogs, though. One feature of the lake is a revived Nelson streetcar that folks can ride.

One day, I stopped beside the track as the tram approached, hoping to get a picture. The streetcar slowed.

A pick-up truck was parked, a big old thing, and was extended so far past the curb the conductor was worried he would hit it.  
He brought the streetcar to a halt. I cleared my throat and hollered. "You have clearance."

The conductor looked at me doubtfully and disembarked. 

He had been madly ringing his bell in the hopes of attracting the owner of the truck but to no avail. He and his running mate eyeballed the clearance.

They decided they would try. Together they inched the streetcar past the truck. They were sucessful and the passengers cheered. And we all went on our merry way and lived happily ever after.