Magic Cottage Creations

Magic Cottage Creations
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September 20, 2019

Him ~ chapter eight

By Maryanna Gabriel

     Bless them, I thought. The flashing, rotating, red and blue lights were creating an eerie effect through the trees. The neighbours will be talking. Maybe they won't notice I said to myself hopefully. Feeling brave, I flipped on the porch light, the outside walkway lights, and the interior lights. Hey there, I'm here. I could see they were making him reverse while watching the back-up lights. There were two of them.

      There was a knock on the door. The smallest policeman I have ever seen stood there. I blinked and peered down. "Here to serve, ma'am," he said. For the first time in days I smiled. He smiled back. He held out his hand. "Here is your key," he said. He was taking my key? "There is a heater of his here," the Constable continued. What? I grabbed my flashlight. Together we headed down to the cottage shed and oh my, there was  a five foot high metal furnace that I had never seen before. It looked like it belonged to his trailor. "Oh, so he was going to use my place as storage too," I said. We headed back up the path as the Constable said something about unwelcome guests. I tried to think of a reply but words failed me. Croaking didn't seem like a good response so I clamped my jaw shut. 

     I was back in the house. In the black night I watched fascinated. It was a strange parade. He was wheeling the furnace on a dolly, an RCMP officer to the front of him and an RCMP officer to the rear. They marched in a row, under the cedars, ghostly specters caught in the living room light. Some people have to do things the hard way I thought to myself. He was offered free ferry fare to anywhere he wanted by the agency and he chose this. I jumped at the sound of the knock. A blonde female Constable stood there, the one who I had talked to on the phone. "He has no reason to come back. He has been told to leave and not return," she said. "Good night. Call us if anything comes up."

      "Oh, thank you, thank you." Grateful prayer was in order. Exhausted, I lay down and slept deeply.