Magic Cottage Creations

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January 23, 2024

Lunching With Caryatids

 By Maryanna Gabriel 

 "If you choose not to find joy in the snow,
you will have less joy in your life, but still the same amount of snow." 

- Unknown

Caryatids in the Hume Hotel   
Just as I was studying the varying snow implements used by the inhabitants of this fair town, we are in a thaw. I took advantage. There was no arguing with myself. I was walking and that was that. Besides, I wasn't sure if my legs still worked. Donning my Camino boots and socks for encouragement, I set out. 

Over the Slocan, low clouds hung, the lake a steel gray. Cute homes with Victorian porches had carefully shoveled walks. I was determined to get to the post office, visit the library, and take myself out for lunch. When I saw that a restaurant called "The Library" in the historic Hume Hotel had reopened, I was sold. A recent flood caused by a guest was finally repaired. The waitress plied me with tales on how balmy Nelson was compared to Northern Alberta. It was a lovely lunch - the special, a codburger with slaw, accompanied by an apple cider made in the Okanagan and served with lime. Seated next to a gas fire, I admired the Victorian achitecture that surrounded me and surveyed the caryatids. Good word. Not many restaurants have them. 

I also wanted to know if the Nelson Public Libary had my book. Turns out they do (it was checked out), and not only that, there is access to a number of copies. Yeah, to Nelson for supporting Canadian writers.

What has really cheered me up is a post I put on the community page has been inundated. How wonderfully unexpected. Thank you to this lively community. 


Lunching with caryatids.